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 Pastor's DeskExpectation 
Monday, March 05 2012

Joshua 1: 2-9.


God gave Israel both a leader to bring them into their promised possession and also taught them definite principles to ensure the desired success. Part of the principles is that we are to live, or walk, in the power and the leading of the Holy Spirit.


We must note that God does not bid sinners, who are dead in sins, to walk in His ways; but, He bids those of us He has given life in Christ though we were once dead in sins; to walk as Christ walked. God does not require the sinner in his spiritual paralysis to do one single work of righteousness; but having given us strength through Christ, He exhorts thus, "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure." (Phil. 2: 12, 13.) God enables His people to do, and He gives the desire to perform.


The land referred to above belonged to Israel by divine promise. On that ground God commanded them to "Arise and possess it." The beauties of the plain of Jericho, noted for its countless flowers, the wealth of Canaan's corn-fields, olives, vineyards, and mountains out of which they should "dig brass," spread themselves before the eyes of Israel. The brooks of water, and depths that spring out of valleys and hills, were before them. Only one thing was requisite to the enjoyment of their portion they must "Arise" and possess. Arise, believer, and enter into the blessings wherewith God has blessed us in Christ.


Israel saw their place of blessing, but river Jordan temporarily barred them out. They obeyed the word of the Lord by going forward and allowing God to deal with the difficulty. Each of us has his own difficulties in the path to claiming our possession— I pray that help will come from above.


"Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you," is a deeply practical word, but mere beholding the corn-fields did not translate to eating their fruits nor gazing on the mountains to digging out their wealth. The only condition giving by the Lord for actual possession was that they should enter, and have foot-hold on the land which He had given them. The eye directs the foot, and the further the foot goes the more the eye sees.


All is ours in Christ; but real possession becomes the portion of those who by individual contest, step by step, have won ground. God is for us. Be strong, and of a good courage. Win in the strength God gives. Get direct from Him; shun that second-hand knowledge which never avails in the day of difficulty, nor gives strength in the hour of conflict. A wise path is a prosperous one, and the prosperous path is acting wisely on the straight line of obedience to the distinct instructions of the divine word. No deviation is lawful — "Turn not from it to the right hand or to the left."


Welcome to our Month of Divine Possession. My prayer is that we shall be in the Place of His will for us, receive the Power He gives to us, that we will possess our promised possession in Jesus mighty name, Amen.


Jesus is Lord!!!

‘Sogo Adelaja

Posted by: Pastor Sogo Adelaja AT 02:53 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, February 01 2012

“But Jesus beheld [them], and said unto them, with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible” Mathew 19:26


The eyes of flesh see impossibilities while the eyes of faith see possibilities. A situation, circumstance, character, habit that men might conclude impossible receives the verdict of possibility in Jesus name.


In Luke 18, the weak and vulnerable widow in her apparent powerlessness had victory and became an overcomer. The infants in their powerlessness were lifted up by Jesus as the epitome of the Kingdom's true character. The Publican realising his powerlessness stood afar off with his eyes on the ground, went home justified unlike the Pharisee with his self-righteousness and reliance on his powerful works who suffered rejection.


If we want God to do the impossible, including the changing of our lives, we must be willing to take off the hardened exterior and reveal our true, weak and impotent selves. The Lord Himself, like he did with the little babies, will quickly come to our defence and powerfully touch us.


May we all experience the possibility of the impossible in this month of divine discovery. Let us all “Go forward” as we continue to trust, obey and walk circumspectly with the God of un-ending discovery that made the things that are out of  things that are not. A circle whose centre is everywhere, but whose circumference is nowhere, the everlasting father, the Alpha and Omega.


In his letter to the believers at Rome, Apostle Paul brought to the fore front psalms 32 when he quoted the opening verses: “Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin” (Romans 4:7, 8). As an instructive Psalm it informs of the blight of sin and the blessing of forgiveness.


‌Most Bible scholars believe it was composed after David's terrible sin of adultery with Bathsheba and murder of Uriah, her husband. Against this background of sin, failure, shame and humiliation, David writes of the joy, forgiveness, and peace that he found when he made the discovery of a lifetime. He not only discovered what he was, but more importantly, he discovered who God was and what he could become if he permitted God to exercise sovereign control over his life.


David was in a covenant relationship with God at the time of his great failure, much like Peter the fisherman was in a family relationship with God when failure came into his life. This may be true of you today as a Christian. You have been redeemed by Christ, but defeat has been a repeated experience in your life. If that be true, this can be a day, a place, and a time of discovery for you as it was for David of old.


Having lifted Him up in praises and enthroned Him in our hearts as our Lord and sovereign Saviour, I pray that each and every one of us will discover the riches of His glory.

Jesus is Lord!!!

'Sogo Adelaja

Posted by: AT 03:03 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, January 15 2012

To God be the glory for the impact of the past editions of Glory Summit where we have had to examine “Redefining good Success”; “Redefining Greatness”; “Rediscovering true Riches” and “Rejoicing with Joy unspeakable and full of glory”.


After I received the inspiration for the theme of this year’s Glory Summit in the middle of last year, I could not readily make anything out of it until I was led to examine an aspect of the life of Apostle Paul in the Bible. There and then the Holy Spirit began to put expressions to my thoughts and hence this year’s theme: “Enthroning the King in His Kingdom”.


I have been able to establish a trend from the lives of Paul the Apostle and the other folks who were first called Christians in the Bible. I have come to the understanding that a Christian is someone that has revolted against “Self” – conviction brought about by the hearing of God’s word; has surrendered the reign of “Self” by Self - dethroned himself; and has allowed “Self” to come under the lordship, control and reign of God – enthroned Christ so that the kingdom of God can be set up in his heart.


Apostle Paul summed up the three stages in Galatians 2:20 when he says “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”  Apostle Paul revolted against “self” – by his demonstrated conviction. He dethroned “self” – by his noticeable repentance. He enthroned Christ as his Lord, Master and Saviour – by his fruit bearing life of genuine salvation.


Enthroning the King starts from the centre of our hearts and works outward to the circumference of our beings:  inward change - repentance; outward change - reform. The circumference will never be touched until the centre has a new master that rules. Romans 12:2 “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”  It is in this wise that I believe God has permitted our gathering together once again at this year’s Summit for a fruitful exposition of His Word for our edification.


Beloved of God, as I welcome you to “a season of the ministry of God’s Word” at the Glory Summit 2012, let me say that Heaven wants you to sweep your throne room clean by taking out the old sordid throne and throwing it away. The thrones of pride, deceit, wickedness, idols, fear, hate, wrath, lust and evil desires must be removed. The Carnal Christian rules upon these thrones and as long as he does, he will not allow Christ in the throne room. When Christ is enthroned, He comes bringing a new throne, the throne of the Kingdom of God. Christ, ruling from this throne will produce a new, radical change in you.


Jesus Christ came to give you a new way of life. Have you revolted against yourself? Have you dethroned your sinful self? Have you enthroned Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour? Open the door of your heart for Him today and allow Him to come in. Give it a thought; He is definitely saying something to YOU! It is a year of a new thing.


I trust God that in all of the Summit sections, the Lord will do something glorious for all of our lives that will be of a spiritual significance. Welcome!!!




’Sogo Adelaja

Posted by: Sogo Adelaja AT 03:07 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, January 01 2012

In Matthew 2:1-12 is the amazing record of how the wise men went about enthroning the newly born “King of kings” in His Kingdom. It will interest you to note the nature, the state, the form of “the Kingship” and “the Kingdom” – invincible to the ordinary eyes, meaningless to the canal minds and hidden to those that are perishing.


It will surprise you, the effort they made to find Him. The distance they travelled (the great Arabian desert they crossed) to reach Him. The sacrifices they made (the valued gifts they brought Him: Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh) to enthrone Him.


The question here is why would the wise men subject themselves to all of these, knowing fully well that they were already wise men - teachers, scribes, professionals, wealthy, leaders, and respected men of integrity! The answer to me seems simple: wise men seek to enthrone the true King as it is the highest calling. Those who have true wisdom of any sort know that there is a God in heaven the creator, the owner and giver of all things. Daniel 2:44-45; 4:34-35; 7:27, Isaiah 9:6. The wise men genuinely sought for JESUS to enthrone Him. Are you genuinely seeking Him to enthrone Him?


Wise men seek to enthrone Him in worship - in anyway, anywhere and everywhere for the fulfilment and joy it brings.  It will surprise us to note that most present day Christians do not understand worship in the sense of the wise men. After they have left the comfort of their country, the long journey etc, it was written “they opened their treasures”. They gave in great quality, as well as quantity. 


Worship involves giving freely. To give to God entails giving Him all of us – Spirit, Soul and Body. All that we have, all that we are— time, talent, treasure etc. Luke 12:34 says “for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.


Mathew 2:10 says “When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy”. The whole-hearted joy of wise men is their ability to have the King rightly enthrone in their hearts. Jeremiah 29:13 says “ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart”. Whenever believers come to the Lord, they should return with JOY! As often as we approach the altar of God there should be an exchange.


Wise men enthrone Him by honouring His word. They allow God's warning to supersede the word of earthly king/men. A word from God in a dream outweighs the word of a king face to face. They knew the value of listening to God's word.


Wise men guide against dethroning the King in their hearts by guarding their hearts with all diligence and increasing His Kingdom by their changed lives. When we come in direct contact with His Kingdom, conversion takes place – 1 Peter 2:9.  One reason we have so much lack of “Kingdom compliant” people in churches of today is because people don't get converted when they come to church.  We can’t enthrone the King of kings in the throne of our hearts and remain the same as before. There must be a noticeable change – Kingdom fruits.


Brethren, in this month of “Divine Wisdom”, I will enjoin us to have a look around and we will see that the Almighty God in His infinite wisdom continues to seek to be enthroned in His rightful place in our hearts.


Give it a thought; He is definitely saying something to YOU!    




Sogo Adelaja

Posted by: Sogo Adelaja AT 03:10 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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