Sunday School
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Sunday School in HOG is engaged in the preparation of members for a lifetime of Christian holiness and life-long service to the Lord.
We aim to teach the word of God by the power of the Holy Ghost until we are all sanctified wholly and matured in Christian discipleship.
There is a Sunday School class for everyone at HOG! We believe and encourage learning as we make progress in our journey of faith - we keep growing with God in His word, by His word and through His word.
The Sunday School teachers depend solely on the Holy Spirit to be used as vessels to "train the trainers" so that members can all progress spiritually by getting involve in soul-winning, reaching out and teaching others to become disciples of Jesus Christ.
We see it as our calling and divine responsibility to emphasise boldly through our actions, in-actions and reactions Acts 1:1b "all that Jesus began both to do and teach"
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